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I Want to LIVE & DIE like Maya

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When I heard that Dr. Maya Angelou transitioned to her (our) heavenly home I have to say that I was very happy for her. There are many people in the spotlight that I hold a special place in my heart for that I have felt truly sad upon hearing they passed. At times its been the feeling that they died too young, or that they just needed one more opportunity or if only someone could have reached them in time the outcome could have been different. However the beauty and for some curse of free will is the ability to make life choices that could bring tragedy on ones life. Yet what I am encouraged by is the way that Dr. Angelou lived her life and the trail that she has blazed and the legacy that she has left for us to follow.

As I begin to review the vast number of accomplishments of Dr. Angelou it became apparently clear to me that she lived her life with purpose. From studying dance and acting, to becoming San Francisco’s first black female cable car conductor, a civil rights activist, actress, singer as well as the literary giant that we all have come to know through her work and television appearances. I am still in awe of the guts it took to live her life in the way she did. It is the way that we all should live our lives and that is with purpose. Dr. Angelou lived purposefully. Dr. Angelou spoke purposefully. I believe that when we walk in purpose destiny opens the world up to us and we are able to touch time with our lives. Dr. Angelou’s purposed legacy will live on. Even when human existence is no more and our earth is wretched with destruction through the air will dance her words.

Thank you Marguerite for walking this walk from St. Louis and allowing your heartfelt footsteps to trample the hearts of millions in hopes for a better tomorrow.

Thank you Annie for finding your voice again and delivering it with power, passion and with a flashing light leading others to healing.

Thank you Maya for becoming a spiritual lighthouse to all of the lost ships in this sea of life, for God sent you to point the way back to Him.


To My Peers:

In the transition of our elder sister I am encouraged to live on another level of purpose. The blueprint of her life that she left behind encourages me to believe that living your purpose and being all that God has designed and destined us to be is not only attainable and possible but necessary. It is past time for us to make our imprint. We have to monitor our language concerning ourselves and others. We have to fight our fear with courage and action. We have to live our lives as though someone’s life depends on it because someone’s life does.

So where do you begin? When do you start? What should you consider?

I suggest you begin where you are, start now and you should consider the end of time and never seeing your purpose, dreams and desire come to fruition. Close your eyes and image that you are at the end of your time here on earth and God pulls you to the side and says, “what did you do with the talents that I gave you“, what is your response going to be? What is your excuse? What has been preventing you from walking out your purpose?

Let me take a little liberty and say nothing is holding you back but yourself. You are the reason. Its your fault. You are the blame, just as I have been the blame for my lack of progression in certain areas of my life. Take ownership for your failures and of putting one foot in front of the other. I have a laundry list of excuses that I could spend every moment of the day pondering on and blaming my lack of advancement on or I can get up and move towards my purpose. It takes guts to follow your purpose. It takes guts to have courage and faith in yourself. It takes guts to be different. Lastly it takes guts to leave a legacy like Dr. Angelou.

Are you that bold, fearless, courageous to step outside of yourself and begin to live the life that is waiting for you. Think of it like this….you rent a movie from redbox and its a movie you have been anticipating seeing. You get home, sit it on the dvd player and go about your day. Days, months, years pass and that dvd is still sitting there. You still want to see it but you allow other things to distract you. That dvd is your purposed life. Its already completed and ready to go however you have to put it in the dvd player and press play. Everything you need is already available to you but you have to put in the work. Get up and press play!

Remember you miss every opportunity you do not take.

Be Purposeful!


Author: Graffiti Soul

Activist, Lover of the Arts, Music Zombie & Old Soul.

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